My personal website is the ultimate testament to my DIY spirit. It's a self-built,self-hosted, and self-contained expression of my online presence.
A software developer, avid cyclist, tourist and the dude who likes trains.
and hates cars
Bachelor thesis: Filesystem with Interactive Access Control for Linux en/git repository -- still in the making!
Explanaion of DNS for my non-CS friends: en
Yearly project: Generation of optimal railway schedules with constraint programming, modeled as a job-shop problem. sk/en
Trivial UDP talker in C: source code
Childhood programming project: Fully automatic toy lego railway operation with arduino, IR LED, light detector and a servos, which I made when I was 12. en
Self-hosted AI: KoboldCPP instance I run on my fast-ish home server, so I don't have to give up more privacy for AI chatbots. webui (it is only up when I need it; you will need a password to use it; certs are self-signed)
Self-hosted Git: Gitea instance I run on my VPS, because I got tired of using GitHub. web
My personal website is like my digital resume, except it's not as boring as a real resume... mostly because I added a 'Skills' section that includes 'Parallel Parking' and 'Making the Perfect Grilled Cheese'.
I have been to so many places, I have lost count... Here are only some of those, that were recorded (in chronological order).
Since I didn't write reports at the time, most of these are empty right now. I plan on adding pictures and stories later.